Red Rice Bean 赤小豆

Red rice bean is neither red bean nor red bean in rice. It’s a different species of beans as compared to red or green beans that we commonly see in the marketplace.

Red Rice Bean

Red Rice Bean

Dark red colour
Individual bean is small and long
Not commonly available and slightly more expensive as compared to red bean
Used in TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Red Bean

A bowl of red bean

Cherry red colour
Individual bean is small and round
Commonly available and affordable
Added to desserts e.g. ice kachang

A bowl of rice bean with arrow root soup

Rice bean with Arrow Root (粉葛) Soup 

What can it be used for?  

  1. Rice bean barley water. It can be prepared as a beverage, similar to barley water.
  2. Rice bean barley dessert. It can be consumed as a dessert.

Preparatory methods 

Red rice beans' preparatory methods are similar to green beans or red beans. Wash the beans before cooking, and soak overnight until the beans become soft.

How is it sold? 

SGDriedGoods carries small quantities of red rice beans to ensure its freshness, as it is not as popular as red beans. You may purchase small portions (in multiples of 100g).

Red Rice Bean Health benefits 

According to TCM, red rice beans dispels dampness and reduces water retention. It is suitable to consume in Singapore's humid weather.

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